Environmental Policy

Mires Beck Nursery is a horticultural nursery, producing a wide range of perennial plants and wildflowers of Yorkshire provenance. It is also a registered charity and company limited by guarantee, founded in 1994, and providing training in horticultural skills for people with special needs. 

Respect and care for the environment are at the very heart of our work. 

As an organisation, with our trainees and for our customers we aim to minimise the negative impacts our operations have on the environment and maximise our potential to have a positive impact as we believe we have since we planted our very first tree on the site! 

This document outlines some of the great things we already do towards this end. 

• We re-use pots and compost bags as many times as possible to save resources and then they are recycled. 

• Using a minibus to transport trainees reduces the impact of our trainee travel. 

• All green waste is composted on site and used in our woodland areas. 

• Timber from our trees is used to create habitats for insects in log piles or chipped on site to be used as mulch. 

• We re-use as many things as possible from pallets that become compost bins to CDs that become works of art! 

• Many of our trees have bird boxes and feeding stations. 

• We are reinstating native hedges to create wildlife corridors. 

• Grassland management is planned to maximise the biodiversity of this area. 

• We are collaborating with an environmental artist to create a feature that links the aesthetics of the landscape with the maximum benefit to wildlife. 

• We have a willow area coppiced for craftwork. 

• Our anniversary garden contains heritage varieties of fruit tree for education and enjoyment. 

• Wildflowers are local provenance species grown in peat-free compost. 

We conform to all relevant legal and regulatory requirements and operate a full equal opportunity policy. 

This policy is communicated to all stakeholders via our website and is on display at the nursery. It has been formally adopted as part of our overall strategy. It will be reviewed annually by our board of trustees 

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