Fundraising Sponsorship

Supporting Mires Beck

We are very grateful for any fundraising or donations to help the charity, either from individuals, groups or corporate sponsorship. Each year we look to the community and to businesses to provide help to the nursery in terms of donations, sponsorship activities, plant and tree orders, carbon offsetting tree procurement and corporate volunteering. 

Mires Beck is helped by a valuable group of supporters and sponsors who work tirelessly to raise money for the charity. Over the years monies raised have contributed to the facility and providing a wonderful environment in which the service users can experience working with horticulture. We are also supported with a Friends of Mires Beck membership scheme where the members raise money to facilitate recreational activities and necessary site improvements which directly benefit the service users.

The nursery is dependent on these generous donations, to provide a growing facility to answer to the demand for places for people with learning difficulties. The impact of continuous investment at the charity is a quality facility where people want to come and learn. Our supporters are also volunteers who help with service user development and with maintenance and events at the nursery. 

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